What Makes a Great Real Estate Agent?

Purchasing a new home is a big, life changing event. Choosing the right real estate agent is important because you want to walk away from the situation happy, comfortable and completely at ease. Whether you ended up purchasing the home or deciding to wait, trusting who you’re working with can make a world of difference in your home buying experience. 


So how do you make the choice on what agent is the right agent to work with? Roughly 40% of buyers are referred to an agent by a family or friend who has worked with them in the past. That number speaks for itself when you think about the positive, lasting impact the agent must have had for their loved one to suggest they place their trust with them. But, what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another.  


They say knowledge is power, and in this case, that is absolutely true. You certainly want an agent that is knowledgeable when it comes to the ins and outs of the real estate world, especially the local market. But also, one that can help explain things to you as well. It’s one thing for them to understand what’s going on but you’ll feel much more comfortable with the situation if you’re on the same page.  


A strong work ethic is important. Now, of course, it’s ideal to work to live and not live to work but you definitely want an agent who puts forth full effort, every time. Some situations take more time and effort than others and you want an agent whose ready and willing to put in whatever “sweat equity” is required on their end, and willing to do so happily.  


Organizational and with an eye for detail. You want to be at ease knowing your agent has gone over every detail on their own, and with you, and didn’t overlook something that could end up being a major issue later. This goes hand in hand with having sharp organization skills, if you’re all over the place you’re much more likely to overlook things.  


Having an agent whose pleasant and likeable is extremely important. You’ll feel much more comfortable coming to them with your millions of questions (which is totally okay to do) if you enjoy speaking with them and get along with them. Someone with an off-putting personality is not only going to leave you with a sour taste in your mouth about the whole ordeal, but you may not feel comfortable engaging with them about all of the concerns you may have.  


Last, but certainly not least, you want an honest and trustworthy agent.  You want to feel that, without a doubt, your agent got you the best deal they could. You want to feel that they disclosed with you any thoughts or feelings or facts about the house that might influence your decision and that they aren’t just out to make a buck.  


Take a look at our agent bios to get a glimpse into the lives and personalities of our staff to see which would make a great agent for you. Although truthfully, with any Pinkham agent, you’ll know you made the right choice.  

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Your key to real estate success lies with The Pinkham team! Our skilled and diverse group of professionals, licensed in both NH and Maine, work in perfect harmony. With a strong emphasis on communication, collaboration, and continuous learning, we strive to surpass expectations. Partner with us today and unlock the true potential of your property endeavors.