Primary phone
(603) 986-3825Address
2558 White Mountain Highway, PO Box 543,Get to Know Me
44 Oak Ridge Road, Madison, NH 03849
2396 West Side Road, Conway, NH 03860
156 Sidetrack Road, Conway, NH 03860
Nella Thompson is the realtor we used. Recommended to us by friends and family, we immediately established a great relationship. She listened to what we were looking for and then we sat down and went through homes we had chosen to be interested in. Her knowledge of New Hampshire and different locations we were looking at helped us to quickly eliminate or choose to look at based on our interests. We found a house within 2 days of our visit to New Hampshire and closed within 45 days. Thank you Nella for your help and guidance, as well as your knowledge of the area. It made the process less stressful and I really enjoyed the conversations we had throughout the process. Again thank you.
Your key to real estate success lies with The Pinkham team! Our skilled and diverse group of professionals, licensed in both NH and Maine, work in perfect harmony. With a strong emphasis on communication, collaboration, and continuous learning, we strive to surpass expectations. Partner with us today and unlock the true potential of your property endeavors.